#IranDeal: Obama and the Iran Nuclear Deal–Historic Deal or Historic Mistake?

“No deal means a greater chance of more war in the Middle East,” Obama said, and he has the backing of Hillary Clinton who endorses the deal. However, Congressional Republicans are not supportive–House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) warned that “It’s going to hand a dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear Iran.”

While John Kerry proclaimed that Israel is now safer as a result, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disagreed, warning: “The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday. The leading international powers have bet our collective future on a deal with the foremost sponsor of international terrorism.”

Flynt Leverett, author of Going to Tehran: Why America Must Accept the Islamic Republic of Iran and professor of international affairs at Penn State, stated in an interview with Democracy Now!: “Iran’s influence is rising. If we want to be serious about conflict resolution in Syria, not about funding, working with the Saudis to fund jihadi militants that end up coalescing into either al-Qaeda or the Islamic State, if we want to get serious about conflict resolution in Syria, we need to be talking with and working in a serious way with Iran. If we want to get serious about conflict resolution in Iraq and dealing with the Islamic State in a serious and effective way, we need to stop just letting the Saudis and helping the Saudis fund the jihadi militants that create these groups, and we need to work with Iran to devise a regional strategy to contain that threat” and acknowledged that “It is an extremely unpopular thing to say in the United States.”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tweeted: “To our neighbours: Do not be deceived by the propaganda of the warmongering Zionist regime. & its power will translate into your power” and that “This agreement goes both ways. The successful implements of can dismantle the wall of mistrust brick by brick.”